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June 28, 2006 - 7:36 am

i'm pretty busy with work right now and don't have much time to update, but here's a quick rundown of the past few days....

kyla came to visit for a few days and we walked around town, got a few great thrift scores, ate some good food and drank some fancy (and some not so fancy) drinks. kyla was way too generous in her birthday gift to me, a beautiful queen bee bag and the prettiest little apron and even a small little jar of homemade preserves. she's a good one, that kyla! the mississippi luau was a good time as well with lots of gaming and food and friends.

on sunday was our 1st wedding anniversary! it hardly seems like any time has past since we did the deed all legal-like. i'm so lucky to have cornelius and to have found myself such a nice fella. although it was totally unplanned as neither one of us realized that the first anniversary is the "paper anniversary", cornelius and i exchanged small paper gifts. i made him a card and he gave me a small enscribed notebook from the regional assembly of text. of course, i cried when i read what he wrote on the inside cover. we're quite affectionate and we always tell each other how much we love one another, but it's extra nice to read his own handwritten words.

this week i'm busy working away from home. i'm filling in for my old boss who is taking a week off. i must admit to enjoying my early morning commute...it's a nice relaxing 10 minute or so bike ride away. i used to always take a different route to work that was quicker but where i had to deal with really crazy traffic. this time, i'm being leisurely and taking the bike routes all the way to work. it's a bit longer and there's a bit of a hill but it's much better for my peace of mind and my safety. when i get to the nineteenth floor corporate office, i have to immediately put on my hoodie because the air conditioned office is so freaking cold! maybe a set of mits and a scarf would help in keeping the indoor chill at bay.

despite the chill at work, my life is pretty nice right now. i've got lots of freelance work as well, but i'm also balancing it out with lots of activities and the first season of "24" on dvd. thank you library for keeping my heart rate up! man, that is one stressful little television show. monday night tennis is still going strong even though this past monday there were only 3 people out, but it was still fun and made for much more running around. it's amazing to see an improvement in my tennis skillz as well. i guess it's true that practice does indeed make perfect.

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