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May 25, 2005 - 9:06 am

yesterday morning, my dressmaker picked me up and we went fabric shopping. her last email to me said that she wanted to start from scratch, but after talking things over, we decided that she would just replace the front panel and keep the rest. she would also add some pretty organza trim at the neckline and some pink tulle netting that would poke out from the hem. i think it will turn out lovely. phew, dress crisis averted.

i went to pick up some library books that i had on hold and when i got there, c showed me a library events calendar where one of c's oldest friends was doing a reading from his latest novel. this old friend of c's is a boy that i actually asked out on a date years and years ago which is kind of funny. he's cute but pretentious as all hell (probably even more so now).

it doesn't look like i've got a lot of work on my plate today. i'm just waiting for some text content from one of my clients and i doubt that i'll be getting that today. i need to make a plan for this afternoon before it gets wasted.

tonight will involve sangria with some girlfriends who will help me with making some wedding decorations.

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