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March 15, 2002 - 10:14 a.m.

yesterday i did lots of work. i was productive and created lots of important stuff. really, i did. it was a pretty good day. after school, i went over to the oliver platt boy's apartment where he made me a yummy dinner of pot roast, purple mashed potatoes, and roasted vegetables. it was delicious. i don't think i have eaten pot roast since i was about eight years old. yum. i can't believe i was a vegetarian for over ten years! (but don't worry, i was a vegetarian for purely selfish reasons. i wanted to piss off my parents when i lived at home an then i just kept going. it was never political for me. i've always been lazy...) but anyway, we had a lovely time. he is feeling better and we had a nice evening together.

tonight, i will assume, there will be more peter kubelka films with the friday night folks and perhaps the addition of cornelius too! he emailed me yesterday and we will definitely meet up for coffee on the weekend. it will be nice to meet someone new and good. eek!

ah, life. it has it's twists and turns. now if the rain would stop pounding on my window panes...

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