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June 20, 2006 - 9:29 am

Well my fears about no one coming to my party are pretty much nullified. I mean, it's still a few days away, but I've received confirmation from everyone we've invited and everyone said yes! It will be a packed suburban lawn filled with good times, good food and croquet! I'm pretty excited about planning the menu, doing some baking and shopping for decorations. I love summer!!

Yesterday was filled with work, the dreary kind, but all that was forgotten when we went to play tennis. It really seems like the Strathcona Leisure Club's Monday night Tennis is a hit! Two more brave souls (and a baby) joined us for a few rounds of badly played but hella fun volleying. It's nice to run about and work up a sweat in the company of friends and cold beers. There was only one injury - Kristen's stylish raquet move resulted in a self-inflicted black eye. Ooops! But there's nothing like a little after-tennis gelato to take away the pain.

Tommorrow, Snoopy will move into a new home. Cornelius' allergies and asthma have been horrible for the past few months and the doctor has told him he has the most gawd awful lungs. So I posted an ad and met with a very nice woman who will give the Snoopster a good home. Cornelius is really crushed about the whole thing, but it will be for the best. My man must breathe!

Ack. Back to work.

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