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May 16, 2006 - 9:14 am

I just learned that Jane Jacobs died. I guess that's why there was a special on the CBC a couple of weeks ago. I can't believe that I didn't even know. What a cool lady. True, I never finished "The Life and Death of American Cities" but I blame my own easily distracted mind and not her writing.

And speaking of my reading habits, I foolishly subscribed awhile ago to Blueprint, Martha's new mag aimed at 20-30 something hipsters. I figured it would be a take on Readymade. No such luck. It doesn't include any interesting projects and it exists mainly to showcase products that would take me a lifetime to afford. Not only do I HATE the magazine, it makes my blood boil. But dammit, what a cute font!

In happier news, this weekend I scored big at the local garage sales. I purchased an extremely pretty teal and green floral 1950's table cloth for $3, a day pack perfect for 3 day hikes for $5, a cute bird painting for my bird wall for $2 and a never used Speedball silkscreening kit for $3! The bummer news of the day was that I somehow busted up my camera and now will have to spend mega bling to repair it. Oh well, at least the bonus bargoons helps to lift the sting. (It really will). The rest of the day was spent cleaning up the apartment, cooking a fully gourmet meal and drinking perfect summer rum cocktails. You'd think that would be enough for one day. Instead, at 11pm on Saturday night, I decided that I'd take part in a secretive local bike ride that takes place once a month during the full moon. So I filled up my water bottle with red wine, I convinced Cornelius to come with me and we headed to a local park to meet up with the other cyclists. There were about 15 or 20 of us and we managed to bike across the city along beaches and through parks, stopping occassionally to dip into our bottles. It was good times and although we cut out of it relatively early, we still didn't get to bed until 3am.

Being sick has totally taken a toll on my body. I have lost strength and feel flabbier than my normally flabby self and so pale. I've started back going to the gym so I'm sure that will help me on the road to recovery, but I still can't seem to shake that nagging cough and my runny nose. Health? Why have you foresaken me?

Somehow my sickness has not affected my bowling game. Last night was the last game of the season and I won for most improved female bowler (I won last year too!) and our team managed to recap some of the money we've spent being in the league. Now Monday nights are back to being free for the summer and I should find a new activity before I end up getting sucked into a tv show. Monday night outdoor Scrabble? I like the sound of that!

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