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April 26, 2005 - 7:21 pm

sometimes i think i have forgotten what it means to live your life. the past 2 weeks of being sick has gotten me down and it wasn't until sunday when me & c decided to bike to chinatown and see a local rock show that i realized, hey, life is fun again! we chatted to a lot of people and got to meet some new ones. we saw great bands and i got drunk on free liquor. monday i decided to start back on my pre-sickness routine and cooked something from scratch rather than opening up a can of soup or steaming vegetables. i also went back to the gym for the first time in 12 days and i did okay for having such a poor immune system and taking such a long break with no exercise whatsoever. i also went to bowling again and it was a blast. for once, the entire team showed up and we got all drunk on cheap beer. i bowled horribly but it was still good times all around. afterwards, we decided to not let the fun end, so we ended up at avanti's and drank a couple more pitchers. ah, i had a great bikeride home. it was midnight and it was still warm outside.

today i'm stalling a bit. i actually applied to 2 jobs today and i'm thinking of applying to another one -- a government one. it's an administrative assistant position and tho i'm not too fond of office work, the pay is fantastic and i'm actually qualified for it. a couple of years ago, i applied for a similar gov position in the same department and i passed all the tests & interviews with flying colours and ended up being number one on their list. when a job came up, i turned it down because there was a promise for a more creative web design position, which ultimately fell through. it's a big step for me to apply for a "regular job" but i think i'm up for it. maybe playing creative is fun on my own time and working creative isn't enough to land me the house i dream of or the future i want. yup, i want more. and hey, the government is flexible right? who knows what will happen, but i'll apply anyway.

on with my life!

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