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October 14, 2003 - 4:32 pm

whaddya know? out comes the sun and all of a sudden the world seems just a bit better. today work went really well. i actually designed and coded a web template rather than just coding one. and i got my first paycheque! whoooo! and next week i will even get my own office with a 'if-you-strain-your-neck-you-can-see-the-ocean' view. but i'm still on contract which totally sucks. once i've been there for more than 2 weeks, i'll have to enquire about the possibilities of something more permanant.

this week is pretty free of obligations and i feel lucky because of it. tommorrow me and c will start having a 'day' -- y'know, something ritualistic where we do something creative. we decided on wednesdays, so tommorrow, we are going to learn how to knit. i figure i'd learn quicker if there was someone who could help me through those frustrating times. and yesterday i placed a hold on a couple of book-making books at the library for next wednesday's project. i'm pretty excited! as for tonight, i think i will continue to work on some illustrator drawings that i started on yesterday and maybe work on redoing my portfolio. hell, maybe i'll just watch a movie.

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