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January 01, 2002 - 12:52 p.m.

well it's a start of a new year and i have to say that i honestly feel hope and good thoughts for the coming year.

yesterday i didn't think i'd be able to go out and celebrate with my friends since i had woken up with a nasty cold and i felt like shit. after a long afternoon nap and a shower when i woke up, i felt good enough to go over to kyla's for some food and drinks. maybe it was the drinks and good company and encouraged me to put on some sparkles and head out to the sugar refinery to hear patsy's band play. i'm glad i went. i had much fun!

kyla had brought chinese funeral money -- beautiful small sheets of rice paper with silver embossed squares. she gave us each two sheets. one to write what a bad year it had been (the past) and another to write down all our hopes for the new year (the future). we then burned each sheet with the small candle that was on our table. it felt good burning the past. i felt cleansed of all the bad stuff that had happened in the past few months. it was good ritual.

it was good to be with friends and smile and laugh and drink a bit too much and meet new people. in fact, it was well needed. it was also nice to hear a boy (who looked very much like oliver platt) tell me that he had been staring at my face for the past half hour and he thought it was the most beautiful face in the room. oh joy! we chatted for a bit and before i left he asked for my number and my address (cos he says we wants to write me a letter!) and then he gave me a little note that said he had a crush on me. heehee. and when i got home at 3:30 am there was a message from him on my answering machine. it was very sweet.

it was a good way to ring in the new year.

things that will make the new year good:

song for today: ocean, the microphones

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