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November 04, 2001 - 5:27 p.m.

i don't know what has happened, but i'm actually happy today. things are good! hip hip hooray! i'll chalk it up to clarity or something like that.

yesterday was nice. i had a lovely breakfast with my 2 close friends. we had yummy cheeseburgers and lots of coke. actually, this breakfast was just after 12:30, so the cheeseburgers and coke part doesn't seem so strange after all. then we rented some teen angst movies and piled into my bed with tons of pillows, sock monkeys and homemade brownies. we all wore pyjamas too. it was a heavenly afternoon of complete laziness and not one bit of guilt. my friend meesoo came by later with his cordless drill and i completed some home improvement projects. we ate chips and chatted. things are good.

today i woke up happy and chipper and completely in love with my apartment. it's all mine!!! i ran around my 'hood for errands and made a special trip to army and navy for some much needed cleaning supplies. i also stopped by randy's house and we had a good chat about love and life and drank strong coffee. wonderful. i have good friends who love me. that is an amazing thing.

i think a change in scenery was what i needed. i need a space to call my own and it's wonderful. i don't know how long this feeling will last and i know that it won't last forever, but i do know that these moments will continue into the future. the dark cloud has lifted for now. it will decend but it will drift again. phew.

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