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December 03, 2002 - 9:52 pm

sure it's laziness.

yes, it's also selfishness.

but it's also that i don't really know what to write anymore. or more that i don't feel that i can write anymore. maybe it's the let downs with the lack of creative paying work or the fact that i am working jobs that are based solely on the fact that i have to work.

the most efficent and the most selfish and the most lazy way to convey my comings and goings and musings over the last week will arrive below in point form. hooray for point form!

+friday night kyla, the boy and i rode our bikes to cope headquarters where randy was deejaying. we danced danced danced until our feet were sore sore sore. well, kyla and i danced. the boy did not. he is what is known only as a "private dancer".

+earlier that same day i got a job at the local rep theater. it was the easiest job i ever applied for. actually, i didn't even apply. my old roommate works there and told me there was an immediate opening and i called them and over the phone they asked if i could start the next night. and so i did. no resume, no nothing.

+mint aero bars are delicious. and more delicious when they are free mint aero bars -- courtesy of the rep. theater. mmmmm.

+one girl who looks exactly like juliette louis asked me how old i was. when i told her i was 32, she told me that she was shocked and thought i was younger than her (she's 25).

+my rent got paid. hooray!

+this week i temp for an office in richmond. the bad thing is the long commute by bus: almost one hour just to get to work! times two! the good thing: almost one hour spent reading! times two!

+right now i am just finishing up word freak by stephen fatsis. this book is good but it's taken me forever to finish. i am also reading kitchen confidential by anthony bourdain. so far it's pretty fucking great. and the boy and i are taking turns reading aloud to one another fromjohn's wife by robert coover. so far, so good. but then again, reading aloud with your boyfriend kicks fucking ass.

+i'm fighting a cold. doesn't that make me seem like some kind of superhero?

+i am still head-over-heels in love with the boy. i am crazy. he is crazy. thank god.

+i hate wearing clothes that are specially designated "work clothes".

+i don't know what i'll be doing for xmas yet. i usually have lots of friends over and i make dinner, but so many of my friends this year are going home for xmas. the boy asked me to spend xmas with his family, but that kind of freaks me out a bit. yes, it does.

once again, hooray point form! right on lists!

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