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August 09, 2002 - 10:37 am

i am still throughly undecided about portland. i guess i feel like i was just there and my main reason for going would be the road trip part with good friends. i don't know if i can justify the cost of hotels and the chance of running into the bad kisser. if i had my way, i'd just love to go on a day trip to bellingham. so i guess this means i'm not itching for portland afterall.

so once again, i will face another weekend in vancouver. many of my friends will be out of town and the weather has taken a change for the worse: clouds, windy and cool. so i will try to practice my interview for the government job and watch movies and go thrifting and wallow in craptastic weekend of me.

so come along with me and put on your fake smile and pretend dance with the charmettes to sugar boy.

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